The Official Blog of Iain Rob Wright: Current Plans

Monday 9 September 2013

Current Plans

Hi guys,

It's been a while since I did an update, so here's a brief rundown of what I'm up to.  I'm on break throughout September but I will be popping up here and there to do the odd post.  There will also be a nice little surprise at the end of this month that many people will not be expecting - so stay tuned for that.

Going forwards, I will be writing the sequel to RAVAGE, which will be called SAVAGE.  It will catch up with the survivors from the first book and will also serve as the final entry in my 'Damien-verse' series of books.  I know many of my fans enjoy the way that all of my books link up with one another, but the problem I have is that I added the links retroactively as I wrote each book.  This made it very difficult to come up with consistent story ideas (how can I end the world in Animal Kingdom in one book and then again in Ravage?)' so SAVAGE will be the end of the universe that includes Damien, Jack, and the others.

Starting in 2014 I will begin a new series of linked-up novels.  This time I will plan out the shared universe before hand and then write each novel as part of a pre-existing world.  This should help make all of my future books far more consistent and hopefully part of a much richer tapestry.  I love linking my books together, but I want to make sure I do it right going forward, so I will be abandoning the Damien-verse and starting something new.

Amongst my new series will be a thriller series featuring the character of Sarah Stone.  The best way to describe her character would be Jack Bauer crossed with Dr House.  She's a broken, emotionally wrecked bitch - but she's a warrior and a champion.  Expect her to stop a whole host of terrorists and villains as the books come out.  I will also be writing a spin-off series of books that focus more on serial killers and the man who is tasked to catch them - who happens, himself, to be the son of two notorious killers.

I will continue to write horror, but I've been wanting to branch out into straight thrillers for a while, so that is my current agenda.  However, stay tuned for a potential horror novel that may be out before Christmas and will mix my characters with  those belonging to another well-known author.

As for current releases, THE HOUSEMATES, went straight to being my best selling novel and seems to be going down well with my regular readers.  If you grab a copy, I hope that you enjoy it.  The link for it is below.

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fluffyredfox said...

Brilliant! I love your updates! and ooooh at all the projects you have planned.

Unknown said...

slightly gutted about you killing off readers fave characters BUT why the hell not?! So excited about the next lot of books. Happy days Mr IRW!

mylilyotv said...

A sequel to Ravage? YES! I can't wait!
I can't wait to read them all! & who doesn't love a good thriller? ;)
Danielle xo

Mazie said...

I've had a serial killer pass through my life, and way too close for comfort it was. My brother was attacked by Darrel Rich (a serial murderer in the late 70's) and four years later this same man raped and murdered a very close friend of mine, Linda Slavik. She was kidnapped from a local pub in Chico, CA. I look forward to your writings about the minds of serial killers, Iain. They don't just happen to someone else. These things happen in all of our lives.